March 18, 2020

When you want to create a beautiful landscaping plan for your home, you should use all the tips below. You can increase the value of your home, improve the curb appeal of the house, and make the property more enjoyable for your family. You can complete each step in the process, someone in your family, or a landscaper. You can start small, and you can expand your home landscaping plan over time.

Cut The Grass To The Right Length

Your home landscaping plan should include grass cut to the correct length. Some people cut their grass too short, and other people allow their grass to get too tall. Choose a moderate height so that the grass feels soft when you walk on it. You should cut your lawn as much as needed to maintain this length. Some people need to cut their grass every week because the grass overgrows. However, some people can cut their grass every other week because the grass does not grow very fast.

Add A Design To Your Grass

Your grass can have many upgrades for your home landscaping says Scapes Inc Landscaping OKC.

You can add a design to your grass if you want the lawn to look beautiful. You can see lawn patterns when light reflects off grass blades that are pointing at you or away from you. If you cut your grass to a moderate height, you can get the light reflection you need when the grass is a little bit taller than average.

When you start to cut your grass, you should be mindful of where you are cutting. You want to make the pattern look as lovely as possible, and you do not want to stray over any boundaries you have created. Once you cut the design, use a lawn roller to make the pattern easier to see. If you have time, you could use an old-fashioned lawn-mowing roller.

Edge The Walkways And Driveway

When you mow the grass, you might not get the results you need around the edges of the lawn. You can use an edger to clip the grass or weeds at the edges of the driveway, walkways, and porch.

Check Your Shrubs And Bushes

Most people have shrubs or bushes in front of their homes. You can clip the stray branches or leaves on these bushes, and you can cut the bushes into shapes if you have a high-powered clipper. You might hire a home landscaping company to trim these bushes for you, or you could buy the bushes in the shape you want. Maintaining the form is easy if you have the design formed for you.

Plant Flowers

You can try to plant flowers around your lawn to bring some color to your home landscaping plan. You might plant simple flowers that are easy to care for, or you might add flowers to the lawn that are your favorite color.

Some people will use rose bushes to add color to the lawn, or you might want to plant tall azalea bushes to cover the front of the house. If you are planting flowers near the mailbox, you should block off a space that contains just those flowers. You can put flowers in pots on your porch or stoop. You can plant flowers that need shade under your trees, or you can plant flowers along the edges of your driveway or walkways.

Plant Trees

It would help if you did not plant boring evergreens on your property because they are hard to maintain. You may have trees on the lawn that are not very tall, and you should cut back their branches as much as possible. If you add trees to the yard, you should choose small trees like elms or pear trees. It would be best if you chose a tree that you think will match the color of your house, and you may want to plant saplings so that you can control their height over time.

Remove Trees

Your home landscaping plan might include removing trees. If you are working with a home landscaping company, they may or may not have the resources to cut down trees. Make sure that you work with an arborist or tree service that can remove trees, grind the stumps, and make the lawn look better. You should remove trees if the branches are damaging the house. It would be best if you asked an arborist to diagnose problems with your trees, and you can cut down any trees that you believe sway too much every time a storm hits your area.

Scapes Inc Landscaping OKC shows you how to add stones to your home landscaping.Use Stones Wisely


You can add stones and pavers to your property to create outlines around the property. The rocks that you use should be the proper color for the property, and you should not use stones that cover your flowers or take away from your home landscaping design.

Use Retaining Walls When Needed

You can use railroad ties that will act as retaining walls around your property. The railroad ties you are using are beneficial because they add color to the property while giving you a talking point. You could order railroad ties from old railroad lines in the area, and you should ask for cast iron railroad nails to hold them together. You can add a bit of character to the property, and you can use these retaining walls in place of stones that will guard your bushes or flowers.


When you are ready to make your property look beautiful, you should talk to an expert home landscaper. The landscaper can help you with your grass, flowers, bushes, and boundaries around the property. It would help if you made changes to your lawn slowly, and you can add color to the property that will make the house look more valuable. You can continue to make changes to the property that will add value, or you can make changes that will keep the home safe. You can take down trees, add pavers, or plant bushes that help frame the property. Make a plan with an expert if you want to retake control of your lawn.

Scapes Landscaping OKC has a rich history of bringing high quality landscaping design to the OKC area. We’re known for serving Oklahoma City landscaping clients with the best rated residential landscaping and commercial landscaping services! Be sure to check out our before and after landscaping gallery. Contact us today at 405-376-0505 and request a quote.