August 16, 2021

Oklahoma Trees

People often plan trees for various reasons, such as a reminiscence of childhood, mark a special memory, and remind people we once knew. However, if the trees are grown in an unsuitable environment, they become weak and vanish quickly. As such, it is essential to select the Oklahoma trees best suited for your yard carefully.

Fortunately, some trees have proven to thrive in our yards and beautify the landscape with ease. Such trees are the Oklahoma trees selected by an expert team of horticulturists from Oklahoma State University. Here are the top trees to consider for your garden.

What Trees Grow in Oklahoma?


There are 13 species native to North America, with eleven of the species appearing like trees. They have a fleshy and berry-looking cone from where seeds develop and leaves thrive. Generally, the leaves seem more like scales than coniferous needles.

Autumn Blaze Maplean Oklahoma tree with orange leaves

It is one of the most distinct and flourishing Oklahoma trees during fall, with brilliant and lasting orange color. The tree is known for its uniform branching and fast growth rate. It can thrive in warm climates thanks to its deep roots.

Crepe Myrtle

The trees are best known for their colorful and lasting flowers occurring during summer. They are sinewy, fluted stems with branches having a mottled appearance and shed leaves throughout the year. While their entire species are woody, their height can range from 100 feet to under 1 foot. Nonetheless, they are primarily medium-sized multiple trunked shrubs and trees, with leaves giving a particular autumn color.

Bald Cypress

It is a classic tree primarily found in the southern swamps. That is its native habitat and is known for its peculiar trait of raising conical knees from its roots. The purpose of the growth is a mystery, although most people believe the conical knees help roots get more oxygen. In the right soil type, it thrives pretty well. Thus, it can offer an excellent shade and beauty to your yard.

Lacebark Elm

Here is one graceful tree with a round crown decked with lustrous dark green leaves that change from yellow to reddish-purple during winter. As such, it is likely to stand out in your backyard thanks to its distinct bark, which produces colorful patterns in the trunk. It is a medium-growing tree when planted in the right conditions and is hardly affected by diseases.

Chinese Pistache

The tree starts with an unattractive appearance when young but blossoms into a magnificent specimen. It is tough enough to grow in urban conditions, and it is not sensitive to various types of soils, making it suitable for dry landscaping. Full sun is ideal for tree growth as it requires at least six hours of sunlight every day.

Shumard Oak

The tree is considered stately, strong, and lasts for ages with attractive fall color. It is a stunning selection for the backyard as it is highly adaptable, making it suitable for urban growth. Poor soil drainage, air pollution, drought, and compact soil hardly affect its growth, making it favorable for metropolitan homeowners.

Blue Ice Cypress

It is also known as evergreen as it’s tenacious and unmoved by searing heat or strong winds. Besides, icy cold winters hardly affect its green leaves that never change color. You will be amazed that wildfires are their friends as they help release seeds for the next generation. They were discovered in New Zealand and had a fast growth rate, although they are skinny initially.

Nellies R Stevens

It is a cross between the Chinese Holly and English Holly. It has a naturally dense and broad pyramidal shape. The leaves appear glossy with an ever dark green color making them the darkest of any backyard plant. Flowers appear in spring to facilitate pollination and produce attractive red berries. Besides, it can adapt to several environmental conditions thanks to its superior drought tolerance qualities.

Oklahoma Red Buda native Oklahoma tree with pink leaves

It is one of the ideal native Oklahoma trees favoring homeowners who desire ornamentation and have enough space in their yard. The tree can grow to a height of 20 to 25 feet and gives red flowers from the trunk and branches in spring. Besides, it comes with pink leaves that slowly turn green. It is essential to plant the tree without frost threat to ensure a fast growth rate.

Broadleaf Evergreen

When considering what trees grow in Oklahoma, broadleaf evergreen should top the list. It is famously known for its southern plantation fame, strong horizontal limbs, long life, and evergreen leaves. In addition, the tree is regarded as one of the native Oklahoma trees due to its reliability.

Sargent Crabapple

It is an exotically stunning small tree. It is regarded as exotic since even without pruning, it develops a distinct oriental appearance. Besides, it is more comprehensive than it’s tall, giving a windswept appearance. If you have power lines in your backyard, it is the best tree for you as it will never require butchering by the power tree police.

In spring, the tree is smothered small with cherry red flower sprouts. Next, the bids open to give pretty white blooms featuring yellow stamens. They are followed by developing a red fruit that sticks to the tree instead of littering the lawn. When asked what trees grow in Oklahoma? Give Sargent Crabapple as the first answer as it requires minimum pruning. It is the best tree to plant in your backyard if it gets uninterrupted sunlight and good air circulation.

Having discussed the 11 trees suitable for your garden in Oklahoma, you can make your choice to best suit your garden. Always remember to check the condition of your soil and compare it with the tree’s requirements to facilitate fast growth. Also, consider the size of a tree when fully grown to avoid a scenario where you have to bring down a beautiful tree due to its size. Some trees may extend to the extent that it’s too big to suit your home. Others may be too small to reach your desired size, and it is good to be mindful of the trees’ size. Most importantly, consider how different climatic conditions and weather changes affect tree growth, fruiting, and leaves.

Scapes Landscaping OKC has a rich history of bringing high quality landscaping design to the OKC area. We’re known for serving Oklahoma City landscaping clients with the best rated residential landscaping and commercial landscaping services! Be sure to check out our before and after landscaping gallery. Contact us today at 405-376-0505 and request a quote.